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What should I do if my order has yet to arrive?

Your orders are usually collected by our third party courier few days before delivery.


If you did not receive your order on the day of delivery, you may track the order status here or reach out to SOS Delivery customer service at +65 82877959 / [email protected]


*Note: Delivery routes are determined by the courier company. The driver will attempt to deliver your parcel between 0900 and 1800hrs. 

The courier may attempt to re-deliver to you on another day, subject to their availabilty.


After 2 failed delivery attempt, your order will be transferred back to the school bookshop. You will be required to provide your order confirmation for collection.


If you wish to re-schedule for another delivery, there will be additional delivery charge of $25 per order.

We accept the following modes of payment:


1. PAYNOW QR code

2. VISA / MasterCard



*Note: For NTUC uCARE e-voucher holder, if your voucher balance amount is insufficient to offset the order amount. You are required to choose PAYNOW or VISA / Mastercard to pay for the remaining balance.

You may try to reset your password here


Please check your spam/junk folder if you do not see the Reset Password request email in your inbox after submission.

Need more help?
Reach out to us via email or phone 
(65) 6929 8012
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